Artists in 900 and Internet-free technology
Building on our article on the Black Mirror series, we could not overlook and omit the vision of the current world by those who lived before the advent of the internet. The global network boom has seized us from the lack of funding and, in short, has made us entirely dependent on the many comfort that it generates, recovering in a handful of centuries of technological change. In these very few years, we have had the luck to learn about prophylactic artists who have left a considerable wake, perhaps unaware of how their vision would be done in the near future. I am really so many, but it is interesting to mention at least some of them…
MON Onlce — Jacques Tatì
The first is the film director Jacques Tatì, who produced the film Mon Oncle in 1958. Here is a mechanical life that is fully studied, where everything is already decided and repeated automatically, piping the protagonists in an extreme monotonia. Characters perform their lives as if they were machines, responding to the commands dictated by society, where nobody has their own personality. The only voice outside the chorum is the unrest of his life, which is seen as a threat to future generations. However, in the end, there is a risk of pioming in the same mechanism as the rest of the population. Overall, Tatì has anticipated the current struggle for the survival of the analogue world against the digital one, but it will not yet last a long time: We know that those who do not have an identity on the internet at the moment are as if they did not even exist outside the web.
The World War — Orson Welles
The American radio broadcaster so famous in the 30s turned H. G. Wells’s novel into a live radio programme. On the evening of 20 October 1938, he was able to sow the panic in most of New Jersey, putting it into the 20.00 schedule with a bulletin which, for those who did not know the story, could be entirely real. Although the attendant listeners knew that it was the time of the literary proposal, I made a serious attack on the adaptation of the book ‘War of the Words’. You think: But what happens with the internet? If the power of information was so strong at a time when the media were not everybody’s reach, think about what could happen in the time of the web with the many fake news!
2001 Odissea in space — Stanley Kubrick
A 1968 film, of which everyone knows at least the mother-stage of the hominide, which was shown in the near and highly evolved future. Kubrick was already thinking about intergalactic travel, artificial intelligence that works autonomously and Ibernation in view of a future life. A rather simple weft divided into 4 parts, where what really stands out is the great evolutionary leap that has made human gender; And we do not forget that he did not have the internet to carry out research on the past, as we do today. Thesupercomputer that navigated them was so impacting for that time, which was also taken up by other screenwriters, such as the famous supercar KITT machine ( dating from the 80s), the smart house in Simpson (in the 90s) and the space cradle of the Futurama animated series ( of our millennium), one of the huge chartoons of the futuristic gender.
1984 – George Orwell
Let’s not mention the genius of ‘Il Grande Fratello attenda’, which already predates 1948 what would have happened in the years to come. He was also likely to be unaware that he had drawn up the guidelines of the world in which his successors would have lived shortly afterwards. The supreme eye, which tells us and shares our information thanks to the ubiquitous internet connection, is one of the pillars of today’s society. At that time, digital marginalisation, autonomous AI, intergalactic means of transport and technology generally terrified the population, which sparked fear by thinking of hundreds of years. Instead, after a few dozens of years, we are living in a film or book of the past, which continues to take shape from day to day, such as the famous book of ‘The Infinite History’, which is written by the protagonist himself during the work. If it is really up to us to decide where it will bring it, why not make the best use of it for the common good?
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