TripAvisor reviews and online reputation
In the past we have spoken of how much reviews today influence everyone’s ideas and we now want to focus on TripAdvisor. Although the world has stopped for a few months, the portal to find out everything about tourism has never stopped. Indeed, one of the most famous sites in the world can express your thoughts on bars, restaurants, hospitality, museums, parks and works of art of all kinds. The important thing is to have visited it or tested at least once, although it is a rule that not all users respect… we jointly discover the pros and cons of TripAdvisor and how to make best use of it to maintain their online reputation and remain satisfied with their own tourism visits.

How TripAdvisor has changed tourism
Until a few years ago, tourists were moving on the basis of personal tastes and passwords from friends and relatives adventitious; But in a short time, and with the spread of TripAdvisor, the global tourism landscape has changed. The service is free of charge, so anyone can register and leave reviews, including photos that testify to their experience. But (because there is always one!) everyone speaks on the basis of their own personal tastes, and we know that it is everything too subjective to take the reviews as an absolute truth for everyone. In addition, there is the dark side of the web, which includes those who leave fake reviews with the most varied objectives. And then?
True or false with TripAdvisor
A large part, albeit below 10 %, is removed from a specialised department of TripAdvisor, either as false or off-site. This was due to the creation of companies specialising in paid (and thus false) reviews with the aim of increasing the reputation of an activity on the portal. Moreover, it is not uncommon to come up with reviews by competitors or by those who have not yet fully understood how it works. Here too Facebook’s creators place us with their feet, creating a sarcastic page that collects a large number of comic or ‘useless’ reviews. Let us talk about “insulting Tripadvisor by ruling great chef”.

Coronavirus Tripadvisor
It is obvious that TripAdvisor is ultimately an innovative and useful tool, and then we understand why. Meanwhile, an important fact is that surveyors from around the world have not stopped even with the coronavirus lockdown, taking advantage of the home break to comment on places visited in the past. Of course, the volume of reviews has fallen considerably and for a little way the site will not be widely viewed, but those who are planning leave have already given a sbirchatin. In the case of restaurants and bars, for the time being, the majority of them will be able to read only comments on the products they consume, as there are still very few people who will return to them.
The usefulness of TripAdvisor’s poles
In fact, as I have already said, tastes are subjective and it is not clear that what I like to do, too, is yours. This is why you need to be able to use TripAdvisor consciously. What a restaurant needs to take into account is that more pallins have and are better ranked, so that they can be reached by many. But what consumers know most carefully is that they also need to rely on very poor photos and reviews to understand each local’s strengths and weaknesses.
We in KuboWeb therefore recommend that we continue to consult the reviews and leave them as a criterion, but also that we do not see it as an absolute tool on which to rely.